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Pasture Board

Pasture Board is $350 Monthly

  • Includes access to all arenas and round pens.

  • All pasture horses are fed hay.

  • Horses are kept in pastures with a maximum of 5 other horses.

Stall Board

Stall boarding in the 12 stall barn is $550 monthly.

  • Horses are turned out in a pasture for a minimum of 8 hours daily (weather permitting).

  • Each stall has a personal tack locker with a saddle rack.

  • All stall horses are fed a mixed hay.

  • All stall horses are fed grain supplied by the owner.

9 Stall Board

Stall boarding in the 9 stall barn is $500 monthly, it is attached to the indoor arena.

  • All horses have private runs outside.

  • Each stall has a personal tack locker with a saddle rack.

  • All stall horses are fed mix hay.

Services: Services
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