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Barn Owner

Kara Taylor and Steven

Kara has been riding and working with horses for 23 years. Kara started riding at an Arabian show barn when she was 7 years old and showed her first horse on the Arabian show circuit. After leaving that barn, Kara and her horse, Lexi, got into dressage and started showing in any classes they could at the 4h fair and other local shows. Lexi and Kara loved to trail ride, jump and try their hand at barrel racing and other gymkhana games. Kara still has her first horse Lexi, who is now almost 32 years old and still has the same spunk she did when they first met. She is now mostly retired and living the good life with her buddies in their pasture. 


Kara has experience caring for her own horses for 7 years on her property and enjoys spending time with and caring for all horses. Kara and her family's goal is to provide the same care for all horses on the ranch as if they were their own. 


Kara currently also has a 10 year old mini who she hopes to drive and a 22 year old Belgian, Quarter Horse cross who keeps her on her toes and who loves the trails. 



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